
We are more than happy to help you.

How many years are you on market?

We are on the market from late 2019 and we are rapidly growing. Our life long presence in Bratislava allows us to provide unique experience for you. Our competition is mostly not locals and therefore, is not capable to get the best prices, services and exclusive offers. 

Are you registered as Travel Agency?

Yes, we are registered as Travel Agency and have all legal papers in accordance to the Slovak law. In Slovakia is it quite difficult to get approval for Travel Agency. However, we are not doing compromises when it comes to the safety and legal obligations.

Do you have bankruptcy insurance?

We do have bankruptcy insurance from XXX insurance, and the covered claims up to XXXX EUR.

How is minimum deposit calculated?

In majority of cases we stick to the General Terms and Conditions.

However, we know that sometimes is difficult to plan months ahead. Therefore, we are open for discussion.

Send us an email


    We will respond you back in no more than 48 hours. However, we are doing our best to keep it below 24.